Let Others Know

When something wonderful happens, you want to tell other people about it! The new life Jesus has given you is the greatest thing that has ever happened to you.

You can let others know what Christ has done for you in two ways: by telling them and by showing them. One of the most important things you can do in your new life in Christ is to follow Him in water baptism. Baptism is a way of showing what Jesus has done for you.

Read about the baptism of Jesus in Mark 1. John the Baptizer put people under the water and brought them out again to show that they had been spiritually buried and brought back from spiritual death to a new life. Jesus commanded that those who follow Him should be baptized, just as He was baptized by John.

Baptism shows that our old life is dead. As we are put under the water, we show that our old spiritual life has been buried, just as our physical body will be buried in the ground when we die. When we come out of the water again, we show that we are becoming a new person.

Jesus commanded us to bebaptized to show people that our life is being changed. We can’t put our old life and new life together. Jesus taught in Mark 2:21,22 that a new piece of cloth can’t be put on an old piece of clothing. When the clothing is washed, the new piece of cloth will shrink and cause a tear. [He also told how new wine would break old wine bags, which were made from animal skins. In the same way, your new life can’t be put into your old life.]

You already know that there is nothing you can do to pay for your sins. But it will cost you something to follow Jesus. Some things you did in your old life were wrong and caused you to sin. These things must change! Jesus said to turn away from your sins (Mark 1:15) and put anything out of your life that causes you to sin (Mark 9:43-48). You might think it will be hard to put some things out of your life that cause you to sin. But when Jesus gave His life to free you from the punishment for sin, He also freed you from the power of sin. He sent the Holy Spirit to help you.

You will want to be baptized as soon as possible. Talk to your pastor this week about a time when you can be baptized.

Another great part of God’s plan for your life is that He will use you to tell others about Jesus. God has chosen you to have a part in building His everlasting kingdom. There are people only you can reach with the good news about Jesus!

Mark 1:14-20 tells about the first followers Jesus called — Peter, Andrew, James and John. They were fishermen, but Jesus called them to a new life, to something more important than catching fish. He called them to fish for men, to tell men the good news about Jesus and how to receive a new life!

Jesus also explained in Mark 4:1-34 how we have a part in building His kingdom. When we tell others the good news about Jesus, it is like planting a seed. Some people we tell will receive the message and their lives will be changed. Others will not receive the message. Some ground will receive a seed and a plant will grow, but other ground will not.

Jesus commands us to tell others what He has done for us and what He will do for them. Some will receive that message and others will not. But we must obey Jesus and share the good news so everyone has the opportunity to receive Him as their Savior.

Jesus told His first followers, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and even in the farthest places of the earth" (Acts 1:8).

You need the Holy Spirit’s help just as Jesus’ first followers did! Jesus has promised that He will help you. The Holy Spirit will give you the ability to be a witness for Jesus Christ, both in what you do and what you say.

Ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit, as He did His first followers. It is His promise: "This gift is the Holy Spirit. This promise is for you, for your children, and for everyone who is far away. It is for all the people that the Lord our God will call to come to Him" (Acts 2:38,39).

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