Following Jesus is a relationship. In all the most important relationships of life, communication is vitally important. No relationship stays the same. A relationship improves as two persons come to know each other and share the things that are important to them. People can't get to know each other if they don't talk. Prayer is simply talking and listening to God.
You can pray to God anytime you choose. Prayer is a conversation, involving both talking and listening. God is everywhere and always hears when you talk to Him. You don't have to be in a special place like church. You can pray when you want to thank Him for what He has done for you, to tell Him how much you love Him, or to ask Him for help with a problem.
In your new life of following Jesus, you will need to talk with God each day. A wonderful thing about God is that He is everywhere. You can talk to Him and He can speak to you anytime and anywhere.
When you pray, talk as you would to your best friend. You can't even tell your best friend some things, but you can tell God anything.